Can You Learn Electric Guitar before Acoustic?


Learning to play the guitar can be an exhilarating and rewarding experience, but for beginners, deciding which type of guitar they should start with may be difficult.

While no definitive rule regarding starting with electric or acoustic guitar exists, certain factors can influence your choice.

Many guitarists believe that beginning with an acoustic guitar can be advantageous, as it requires more finger strength and skill which could later translate to playing electric guitars.

An electric guitar may be simpler as it has a thinner neck and lower action, making it more comfortable to play.

The decision between electric and acoustic guitar comes down to personal preference and the type of music you wish to play.

With dedication and practice, either type of guitar can be learned quickly enough so that becoming an accomplished musician becomes a reality.

Beginning with Electric Guitar Enhances Initial Learning

It is recommended to begin with the instrument you prefer and find most appealing, especially the one that sounds most enjoyable.

The focus should be on learning to play an instrument that brings satisfaction through one’s hands, as technology cannot replace this experience.

The gratification of hearing the sounds of guitar playing is priceless.

In terms of ergonomics, electric guitars are designed to promote better finger posture and facilitate faster playing than acoustic guitars.

Their slender bodies, neck thickness, fret distance, and lower fretwork are designed to enhance accessibility to the entire neck and facilitate reaching the frets closer to the instrument body.

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Learn Electric Guitar for Playing At Home

If you plan to play the guitar at home, starting with an electric guitar has several advantages.

You can play unplugged or use headphones, which is ideal for late-night practice sessions. When learning to play your first chords, it doesn’t matter if it’s a favourite or an easy song; the sound might initially be terrible.

However, this is normal, and the point is that you’ve started playing. Playing an instrument is an admirable pursuit, and consistent effort and practice guarantee improvement.

By dedicating at least 15-30 minutes to your daily routine, you can learn electric guitar easily.

Important Reasons Why Beginners Should Learn Electric Guitar First

  • Electric Guitar Are Easier Than Acoustic: When connected to an amplifier, the strings of an electric guitar are more responsive, requiring less pressure to produce a quality sound.
  • Passion For Electric Guitar: Many beginners quit playing the guitar due to boredom. If you have a strong passion for the electric guitar, playing and practising it will always be an exciting experience, and it can keep you engaged for a long time.
  • Diverse Playing Options With Electric Guitar: An electric guitar offers the flexibility to explore different effects, including distortion, allowing you to play a diverse repertoire of styles and songs, even acoustic ones.
  • Skills Learned Through Practice: Electric guitar lessons cover fundamental concepts such as chords and essential tools such as amplifiers and audio interfaces. This knowledge can be beneficial if you want to transition to other stringed instruments, such as bass or acoustic guitar, in the future.
  • It Is Convenient To Play Electric Guitar Quietly: Using headphones and guitar interfaces, you can practice playing an electric guitar quietly.
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Can An Individual Begin Their Guitar Education With An Electric Guitar?

Electric guitars are ideal for beginners since their thinner strings require less hand strength.

Electric guitars boast an ergonomic design and are simpler to play than acoustic guitars.

An electric guitar’s slimmer neck provides players with smaller hands with a more secure grip and shorter reach, making it easier for beginners to practice and hone their skills without feeling finger fatigue or discomfort.

Electric guitars offer the unique capability of customising their sound through effects pedals and amplifiers, making them suitable for a variety of genres of music.

As an ideal starting point for guitar beginners who want to learn without too much difficulty, electric guitars provide easy playing and customisable sound that can accommodate various playing styles and preferences.

Can You Learn Electric Guitar After Playing Acoustic Guitar?

Learning to play the acoustic guitar provides a strong foundation for playing the electric guitar.

Since many basic techniques are similar, skills like fingerpicking, strumming, and chord shapes will easily transfer to the electric instrument.

However, some distinctions exist between acoustic and electric guitars, such as string gauge, fretboard radius, and amplifying/effects capabilities.

Despite these distinctions, music theory concepts such as scales and chord progressions remain unchanged for either instrument.

Many professional guitarists play both guitars, adapting their playing style to suit their instrument.

If you already have experience playing acoustic guitar, switching to electric guitar could be an excellent opportunity to expand your musical horizons.

What Is The Best Type Of Guitar For Beginners, Acoustic Or Electric?

Acoustic guitars are popular for beginners as they offer a balanced sound and easy playability.

Electric guitars require less time to master basic playing concepts than their acoustic counterparts, thus saving you valuable learning time.

Acoustic guitars provide a natural resonance, assisting beginners with rhythm and timing. Furthermore, Acoustic guitars are popular among musicians due to their portability – perfect for home or outdoor performances.

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Unlike electric guitars, they don’t require an amplifier to produce sound so they can be played anywhere, anytime.

They have a simpler design and fewer features than electric guitars, making them easier to play and more straightforward to learn.

Which Guitar Type Is More Difficult To Learn: Electric Or Acoustic?

Acoustic guitars can challenge beginners due to their heavier strings and higher string action than electric guitars.

The extra finger strength required to press down on the strings can be discouraging initially, but with regular practice, your fingers will adapt and gain strength.

It’s important to note that this initial difficulty is only temporary.

Learning on an acoustic guitar can help develop better finger dexterity and hand strength, making switching to other guitar types easier.

The choice between acoustic and electric depends on personal preference and the type of music you want to play.

Can Beginners Take Advantage Of Low-Cost Guitars?

Affordability can be attractive for guitar beginners if they receive the proper setup.

It’s worth remembering that some setups may require extra money at the guitar shop if the player needs to acquire the expertise to do it themselves.

Selecting the ideal guitar can be a major decision for musicians, particularly beginners with little experience or knowledge about different guitar types.

When making this choice, consider both budget and individual requirements; although it’s common to believe that expensive guitars are always superior, this may only sometimes be true.

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