Does Hanging A Guitar Damage The Neck?


Guitars are a valuable possession for any musician, and proper maintenance is crucial to ensure that they remain in good condition for years to come.

Whether you are a professional musician or just starting, playing the guitar can bring immense joy and entertainment.

However, it is a matter of debate whether hanging a guitar on a wall or stand will damage its neck over time.

The neck of a guitar is an integral component that holds strings and supports the fretboard. Any damage to this part can affect the sound and playability of the instrument.

Some people believe hanging a guitar may cause its neck to warp or bend due to weight bearing down on it.

Important Reasons That Show Why Hanging A Guitar Is Not Advisable

Changes In Humidity And Temperature

Humidity and temperature changes in wintertime can pose a significant challenge, particularly during periods when these factors reach their highest points.

Instruments like acoustic guitars are especially vulnerable due to their greater exposure to air and higher string tension on their necks being at risk due to this temperature difference; even electric guitars cannot entirely shield against such damage.

Practically Prone To Mishaps

Exposing your guitar in the open entails potential hazards. It is impossible to guarantee that nothing will occur to it.

There are numerous scenarios where your guitar might suffer damage or irreparable breakage.

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When the guitar is publicly displayed, it may be subject to tampering, accidental drops or collisions, or theft.

Damage To The Guitar Finish

If your guitar has a nitrocellulose finish, avoiding using most wall hangers with rubber or foam is important, as they can damage the sensitive finish.

Nitro finish is typically found on high-end guitars. To determine the type of finish on your guitar, search for the brand and model specifications online if you are unsure.

Proper Techniques For Hanging A Guitar

Wall Hanger

A wall hanger is a good alternative if a display case is excessive. Ensure that the wall hanger you choose is secure enough to prevent your guitar from slipping out of it.

A straight yoke is not recommended; opt for a curved yoke resembling bull horns or a locking mechanism.

However, unlike a single-piece yoke, which is more durable, the locking mechanism may be prone to breaking.

Confirm that the wall hanger suits your guitar’s headstock, as some headstocks are not even.

The mount should have a rotating mechanism to keep the guitar straight; otherwise, it will cause unnecessary stress on the wall hanger.

Display Case

The Guitar Display Case is often seen in museums or auctions and has a luxurious feel, giving the impression that an expensive instrument is housed inside, even if that is not the case.

It is the best option for a safe guitar display. However, most cases are not air sealed, so additional protection against humidity is necessary, such as a humidifier placed in the case.

For those who enjoy DIY projects, constructing a guitar display case with all the necessary features for protection and aesthetic appeal can be a great project.

Use Guitar Cover To Protect Its Finish

No matter where you hang your guitar – on the wall or in a display case – it’s essential to remember that the hanger’s yoke usually contains foam or rubber.

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This could pose an issue for guitars with nitro finishes since these substances erode them faster.

On the other hand, nitro-finished guitars don’t need to worry about this problem as long as their poly finish prevents erosion.

To solve this dilemma, cover any parts with foam or rubber and secure them using cloth materials – or cut up an old shirt and wrap it around its yoke securely.

Which Is The Preferable Method For Storing A Guitar, Hanging Or Standing?

Guitar wall hangers and guitar floor stands are popular for storing and displaying guitars.

Wall hangers offer the advantage of saving floor space while keeping your instrument safe from damage due to accidental impacts.

Guitar wall hangers come in various designs and sizes to fit different guitars, which can easily mount onto walls for convenient mounting.

These cost-effective solutions make them a great choice for those with limited living quarters at home or apartment.

Conversely, guitar floor stands are ideal for those with space restrictions or budget limitations who cannot drill into their walls.

They come in various designs and materials, making it easy to move from room to room.

Guitar floor stands are great for people who want to showcase their guitars without committing to a permanent installation.

Guitar wall hangers and floor stands have advantages, so the ultimate decision comes down to personal preference, space availability and budget.

Regardless of your option, both are excellent ways to neatly and safely display your guitar.

What Is The Ideal Location For Placing A Guitar In A Household?

Guitars are delicate instruments that need regular care and maintenance to extend their longevity and performance.

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One factor that can drastically impact the condition of a guitar is its storage environment; extreme temperatures or changes in humidity levels can damage wood, strings, and other components over time.

It is recommended to store your guitars closer to the centre of the building rather than near an exterior wall to reduce the impact of extreme weather conditions.

Exterior walls are particularly susceptible to temperature changes and moisture fluctuations, so by keeping your instrument centrally located within the structure, you can ensure consistent humidity levels and temperature controls.

A case humidifier is recommended in dry winter to prevent the wood from drying out and cracking.

Humidifiers add moisture into the air, which helps maintain proper humidity levels for guitars made of solid wood – particularly sensitive to changes in humidity levels than their wood-based counterparts. This step is especially crucial during these dry months.


Hanging a guitar does not necessarily damage its neck, but it can lead to other issues if not done correctly.

When guitar is mounted on a wall mount, most of the weight is supported by its headstock and neck.

But, if mounting hardware of a guitar is improperly installed or the weight of the guitar is too heavy, it will create a stress on the neck over time and eventually result in damage.

However, many well-known guitar manufacturers and music stores offer wall mounts specifically designed to support the weight of a guitar without harming its neck.

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